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Art, Architecture & Design Portfolio

College Admissions and Employers are looking for candidates with a Portfolio that is:

~ Organized and Impactful

Diverse and Creative

~ Communicates a Strong Commitment

~ Demonstrates Strong Skills, Imagination and Techniques

What is your Passion?

Our work together will include:

  • Assessment of your current work.

  • Creating new works that demonstrate diversity, ideation, strong observation skills and creativity.

  • Written descriptions of process and project.

  • Finished works for final portfolio submission.

A professional Portfolio is a comprehensive selection of your art accomplishments. It provides a competitive edge for college admissions or applying for your dream job!

It can include:

Drawing/Illustration ~ Painting

Fashion Design ~ Graphic Design

Photography ~ Media Arts

Study Models ~ 3-D Projects

Under my guidance students were accepted at prestigious schools and are currently employed in the field of their passions.This is a partial list of schools:

  • USC School of Architecture

  • UCLA Architecture and Urban Design 

  • UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design

  • Cornell University College of Architecture, Art and Planning

  • SCIARC Southern California Institute of Architecture

  • Tulane School of Architecture and Printmaking

  • Washington University School of Design & Visual Arts

  • NYU Urban Design and Architecture Studies and Fashion Design

  • Parsons School of Design

  • Syracuse School of Art

  • Boston University School of Visual Art

  • Harvard University Master of Architecture

  • Cornell University Master of Architecture

  • University of Pennsylvania Master of Architecture


For a Free Consultation:


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